View and edit device details

Feb 12, 2025 | 4247 words | 21 min reading time

The detailed view allows you to have closer control and overview of specific devices. In this view, you can set parameters and perform diagnostics. The detail view changes dynamically depending on which device category is called up. The main differences are between IO-Link network modules and IO-Link devices. Depending on the user role and the status of the PLC, you can change parameters on the IO-Link device or network module.

Overview device details


Example: IO-Link device




Enables editing of IO-Link network modules and IO-Link devices, see:
- Edit IO-Link network modules
- Edit devices


Function block of the IO-Link network modules and IO-Link devices:
- Update detail view
- Return to topology
- Copy and paste individual parameter value (devices only)
- Copy and paste individual parameter value (devices only)
- Load parameters from device (devices only)
- Write parameters to device (devices only)
- SAVE PARAMETER SET (devices only)
- Load parameter set (devices only)
- Save IO-Link network module settings as a file (IO-Link network module only)
- Saving IO-Link network module settings in the database (IO-Link network module only)
- Load IO-Link network module settings (IO-Link network module only)
- Load IO-Link network module settings from file (IO-Link network module only)


Shows device information, see Show device information.


Shows the current port of the device.
In the list you can select another occupied port of the IO-Link network module,
see Configuring ports of IO-Link network modules.

General operation

Show detail view

  Select the desired device in the topology and click DevICES-DETAILS in the function bar.


The detail view is disabled by default. To activate it, select a device in the main view or topology editing. If multiple devices are selected, the view is also disabled.

  The detail view appears in the workspace.

Update detail view

  Open the detail view and click Update in the function block on the right.

  The status of the devices is updated.


The BET does not automatically update the device status in the detailed view. The displayed status may therefore differ from the actual status.

Return to topology

  Click BACK on the right in the function block.

  The detail view is closed and the main view is displayed in the workspace.

Show device information

The following information about the selected device is displayed in the detailed view:





Indicates whether a PLC is present in the topology or not.
If a PLC is present, the PLC lock is active.
If a PLC lock is active, you cannot change any parameters or process data.


Shows the connection status.


Displays the device status (IO-Link devices only):


Shows more device information from the device description file, for example:
- Name
- Connection information
- ID
- Version.


Shows the stored image of the device.

The following table explains the different messages in the device status and their meaning:

Status message


The signal is invalid due to a
malfunction in the device, sensor
or actuator.

The signal is temporarily invalid
for example frozen due to ongoing work
on the device.

The permissible ambient or
process conditions are exceeded
or the measurement uncertainty of
sensors or deviations from
the setpoint for actuators is
likely to be greater than expected.

The signal is valid. The device is online and active in
normal operating state.

Although the signal of the device is valid,
the remaining life is almost exhausted
or a function will soon
be limited due to operating conditions
. Please service the device.


You can read the exact meaning of the triggering event in the instructions for the respective devices.

  Select the desired device and open the detailed view.

  The device information is displayed.

Edit devices

In the detail view for devices you can edit the following data:

  • Device parameters


  • ISDU-Parameter


Depending on the IO-Link device, other data can also be displayed, e.g. diagnostic information, observations or a configurator.

Parameterize devices

The parameters displayed depend on the respective device description file. Details on the individual parameters can be found in the user documentation of the devices. Parameters for which the WRITE option is present can be written to the physical device.

Filter device parameters

For the IDENTIFICATION, PARAMETERS and PROCESS DATA tabs, you can filter the amount of information displayed.

  1. Select the desired device in the topology and click DevICES-DETAILS in the function bar.

  The detail view appears in the workspace.

  1. Open the desired tab.


Example: PARAMETERS tab

  1. Enter the desired term as filter criterion, e.g. “Phy”.

  The view is filtered accordingly:


Example: “Phy” filter criterion

Set device parameters

Device description files (IODDs) specify to BET how the parameters are displayed and whether the parameters may be changed. Further information on the effects of the parameter settings can be found in the operating instructions for the corresponding devices.

If you change a parameter, this is indicated by a changed device status. To the right of the parameter setting field, the status of the parameter is displayed with icons. The device status is only updated when you write changes to the physical device or read the device parameter from the device.

The following device statuses are possible:





Default value

The displayed parameter value is the default value
of the IODD. It may differ from the actual value
in the device.

Read/write successful

The displayed parameter was successfully
read from the device or successfully written to the device after a

Parameters changed

The value has been changed,
but not yet transferred to the device.
Click WRITE, the value will be transferred to
the device (if executed
successfully, the green checkmark will appear).

Read/write error

An error occurred
when reading or writing the parameter. If other parameters
were read successfully, but one or
more parameters of the device were not,
then the connected device
does not support all settings of the IODD. Further
information can be found in the device documentation.

  1. Select the required IO-Link device in the topology and click DevICE DETAILS in the function bar.

  The detail view appears in the workspace.

  1. Select the PARAMETERS tab.

  The parameters of the IO-Link device are displayed.

  1. Change the desired parameter. You can only change the parameters for which the WRITE function is available.

  The parameter is changed and marked with a symbol.

  1. Click WRITE to transfer the changed value to the physical device.


You can save the current parameter set of a device and load it into another device later. The parameter set is saved in the database of BET .


Only the parameters that can be written are saved. Process data is not saved.

  1. Select the required IO-Link device in the topology and click DevICE DETAILS in the function bar.

  The detail view appears in the workspace.

  1. In the function block, select * SAVE PARAMETER SET*.

  The following dialog appears:

  1. Enter a name for your parameter set. Tip: Structure the name, for example “Signallight_LvLMode”.


  The parameter set is saved in the BET database.

Load parameter set

You can load a saved parameter set and assign it to the configured device if a parameter set has been saved for this device. The BET database shows you all parameter sets for the currently open IO-Link device.


The changed parameter values of the configured device are not automatically written to the physical project.

  1. Select the required IO-Link device in the topology and click DevICE DETAILS in the function bar.

  The detail view appears in the workspace.

  1. In the function block, select LOAD PARAMETER SET.

  The following dialog appears:

  1. Select a parameter set or click IMPORT FILE to import a parameter set and add it to the list.

  2. Click LOAD PARAMETER SET to load the parameter set.


You have the possibility to edit the parameter set before loading, see Edit loaded parameter set.

  The parameters from the configured device are compared with the parameters from the file:


The left column shows the parameters of the projected device (source: [name of your BET project]), the right column those of the loaded file (source: [file name]).

  1. Compare the parameter values of the configured device with the parameter values from the loaded file, see Compare device parameters with each other.

  2. Click * APPLY CHANGES* to apply the selection of parameters to the projected device and close the view.

Edit loaded parameter set

You can edit or delete loaded parameter sets or export them as a JSON file or import them again. Parameter sets can thus be exchanged or made available to customers.

  1. Select the required IO-Link device in the topology and click DevICE DETAILS in the function bar.

  The detail view appears in the workspace.

  1. In the function block, select LOAD PARAMETER SET.

  The following dialog appears:

  1. You have the following editing options:



Renames the parameter set.

Deletes the parameter set.

Downloads the parameter set.

  1. Select the desired option.

Load parameters from device

You can overwrite the configured parameter values with the current parameter values from the physical device. You have the option to select whether all or only certain parameters are to be overwritten for the configured device.

  1. Select the required IO-Link device in the topology and click DevICE DETAILS in the function bar.

  The detail view appears in the workspace.

  1. Select LOAD FROM DEVICE in the function block.

  The parameters from the physical device are compared with the parameters from the projected device:


The left column shows the parameters of the projected device (source: [name of your BET project]), the right column those of the physical device (source: parameters read from the device).

  1. Compare the parameter values of the two devices, see Compare device parameters with each other.

  2. Click * APPLY CHANGES* to apply the selection of parameters to the configured device and close the view.

Write parameters to device

You can overwrite the parameter values from the physical device with the parameter values from the configured device. You have the option to select whether all or only certain parameters are to be written to the physical device.


You can only execute this function if no PLC is connected, since the parameters may then not be changed.


DANGER OF ACCIDENT! By changing parameter data, switching points and data of IO-Link devices can be changed. Before resetting/writing the changes, ensure that accidents or damage cannot occur as a result of the change. The function must not be used if accidents/damage can occur as a result of reading/writing process data.

  1. Select the required IO-Link device in the topology and click DevICE DETAILS in the function bar.

  The detail view appears in the workspace.

  1. In the function block, select WRITE TO DEVICE.

  The parameters from the configured device are compared with those from the physical device. The left column shows the parameters in the physical device and the right column the parameters from the projected device.

  1. Compare the parameter values of the two devices, see Compare device parameters with each other.

  2. Click Apply Changes to apply the parameter selection and close the view.

Copy and paste individual parameter value

You can copy and paste parameter values for devices of the same type.


Process data cannot be copied.

  1. In the topology, select the required IO-Link device from which you want to copy a parameter value and click DevICES-DETAILS in the function bar.

  The detail view appears in the workspace.

  1. Select the desired parameter and choose COPY PARAMETER in the function block.

  The parameter value is copied to the buffer.

  1. Click BACK in the function block.

  The main view appears in the workspace.

  1. In the topology, select the desired IO-Link device to which you want to copy the copied parameter value and click DevICES-DETAILS in the function bar.

  The detail view appears in the workspace.

  1. Select the parameter and click INSERT PARAMETER in the function block.

  The parameter value is inserted from the buffer.

Compare device parameters with each other

You can compare the parameters of IO-Link devices with each other. The following use cases are available:

This is how you transfer parameters from one source to another. Depending on the context, the source can be an IO-Link device in a configured topology, a stored parameter set or an IO-Link device in the field.


You can only compare parameters that occur in both IODDs. This is not always the case for identical devices with different IODD versions, so that in this case not all parameters can be taken over.

  1. In the dialog Compare devices, under FILTER you can filter the parameters. You have the following options:

    • Display only different parameters: Identical parameter values are filtered out so that you only see the different parameter values.

    • Display only writable parameters. All parameters that can be changed are displayed, regardless of whether the parameter values are identical or not.

  2. To apply all parameter values in one step, click * APPLY ALL PARAMETERS*.

  All parameters of the source from the right column are applied to the parameters in the left source. You can undo the change by clicking DON’T APPLY ALL PARAMETERS.

  1. To not apply individual parameter values, click .


  The transfer of the parameter value from the right source is reset for this parameter.

  1. If you want to apply a parameter again, click .

  1. Click Apply Changes to apply the parameter selection and close the view.

Edit process data

You can display the current process data of the device. The process data is automatically updated every 500 ms.


DANGER OF ACCIDENT! Writing process data can change electrical signals and data from sensors or trigger actuators. Before writing the process data, make sure that accidents or damage cannot occur as a result of writing the data. The function must not be used if accidents/damage can occur as a result of writing process data.


The process data cannot be written if the IO-Link network module to which the IO-Link device is connected is connected to a PLC.

Display process data

  1. Select the required IO-Link device in the topology and click DevICE DETAILS in the function bar.

  The detail view appears in the workspace.

  1. Open the PROCESS DATA tab.

  The process data of the device are displayed:

  1. The process data is available for further processing.

Filter by process values

You can filter the process data display via a search field.

  Enter a search term in the search field.


Search Keyword LOW

  The process data view is filtered accordingly.

Set mode for process data output

You can set whether process data outputs are to be handled in a read or a write mode.

  Under Process Data Out from the list, select WRITE to write the process data or READ to read the process data only.


  The process data is set to read or write mode according to your selection.

Display bytes and bits of the process data value

You can display in which bit or byte a certain process data value is contained.

  Move the mouse pointer over a specific process parameter.

  The corresponding byte or bit is displayed with a gray background.


Output voltage = 00001111 (byte 0)

Edit ISDU parameters

ISDU is used for the acyclical transfer of parameter data. You have access to the ISDU parameters (Indexed Service Data Unit) via index and subindex. The data is displayed in raw hex format. You can also use this function for generic IO-Link devices if no IODD was found.

  1. Select the required IO-Link device in the topology and click DevICE DETAILS in the function bar.

  The detail view appears in the workspace.

  1. Open the ISDU PARAMETERS tab.

  The ISDU parameters of the device are displayed:

  1. Enter a value for the index and subindex.

  2. Click WRITE to write the current values to the device or click READ to read the current parameter value.

Configure BCM devices with configurator

The BCM Configuration Wizard enables easy configuration of BCM sensors for vibration monitoring of motors, pumps, fans or compressors. In doing so, limit values for vibrations are defined depending on the power class of the aggregate and based on established ISO standards. The following BCM sensors are supported by Balluff :

  • BCM0001 (BCM R15E-001-DI00-01,5-S4)

  • BCM0002 (BCM R15E-002-DI00-01,5-S4)

  • BCM R16E-004-CI01-01,5-S4

  • BCM R16E-004-CI02-01,5-S4

The following ISO standards are applied to the aggregates:

  • Motors: ISO 10816-3

  • Pumps: ISO 10816-7

  • Fan: ISO 14694

  • Compressors: ISO 10816-3 and ISO 20816-3

If the unit to be monitored is not covered by one of the ISO standards listed, empirical values must be determined for reasonable limit values.


The configurator is only available if a BCM device is physically present.

This is how you proceed:

  1. Select the desired BCM device in the topology and click DevICE DETAILS in the function bar.

  The detail view appears in the workspace.

  1. Open the CONFIGURATOR tab.

  If there is no configuration for the BCM device yet, the empty BCM configurator is displayed:

  1. To create a new configuration, click NEW CONFIGURATION.

  The configuration wizard is started:

  1. Select the machine type to be monitored and click NEXT.


Step 1: Machine type (example: “Motor”)

  1. Select the monitoring function.


Currently, only monitoring according to the ISO standards mentioned above is supported.


Click for more information on how to use the corresponding monitoring function.


Step 2: Monitoring function (example: “ISO 10816-3”)

  1. Select the input data. For the “Motor” machine type, these are the following:

    • Power class

    • Axle height

    • Speed range

    • Substructure

    • Axis assignment


Step 3: Input data

  1. Click NEXT.

  The “Alarm monitoring” step is displayed. The threshold values for the vibrations preselected according to the respective ISO standard are displayed here. You can still adapt these individually to your requirements.


Step 4: Alarm settings

  1. Set the desired limits and click NEXT.

  The “Data transmission” step is displayed.


Step 5: Data transmission

  1. Enter a name for the configuration:


Step 5: Data transmission

  1. Click Save.

  The currently made settings from the configuration are compared with those of the topology, see Compare device parameters with each other:

  1. To apply the settings from the configurator to the topology, click * APPLY ALL PARAMETERS*.

  1. Click * APPLY CHANGES*.

  The changes are applied to the topology and the Parameters tab of the BCM device is opened. Here you can also apply the changes to the devices in the field, see Write parameters to device.

Configure BTL devices with configurator

The BET supports you in configuring BTL devices. On the CONFIGURATOR tab, you will find the most important setting options and parameters that you need to configure the BTL devices. You can also configure the BTL devices via the PARAMETER tab.


The configurator is only available if a BTL device is physically present.

Configure outputs

You can select one of the two solenoids for each of the two outputs and assign a function to it.

Under Select Magnet, select the magnet you want to assign to the output. Under Select Function, select the function that you would like to assign to the output:

  • Position: Measures the current position of the magnet.

  • Position difference: Measures the difference between two magnets.

  • Velocity: Measures the change in speed of the magnet.

Define measuring range

Within the measuring range specified by the BTL device, you can define the measuring range of the respective output by specifying a zero point and an end point. The characteristic curve of the BTL device is displayed according to your changes:





Out of measuring range, BTL device switches Error.


Tolerance range zero point


Defined measuring range


Tolerance range End point


Out of measuring range, BTL device switches Error.

  1. Enter the zero point under Zero point and the end point of the measuring range under End point. Alternatively, you can use the slider.
      The diagram with the current measuring range is updated according to your entries:


Example: Zero point = 0, end point = 800


Example: Zero point = 100, end point = 500

  1. To accept a position, click Write. To also write a position directly to the device, click Teach.

  2. Optional: If required, change the unit of the measuring range (X-axis of the characteristic curve). To do this, select the desired unit from the drop-down list:

  1. To change the output voltages of the BTL device corresponding to the measuring points, click More parameters.
       The input fields for the output voltages (Y-axis) are displayed:

  1. Enter the desired output voltages:
       The characteristic curve of the BTL device changes accordingly:


Example: Zero point = 8000 mV

  1. Click Write all parameters to write the changed values to the BTL device.
      The values are written to the BTL device according to your input. This completes the configuration.

Reset sensor settings.

You have two options for resetting the current values of the BTL device:

  • You can reset the settings for a technology-specific application to a predefined output value without having to interrupt the connection to the BTL device.

  • You can reset the values to the factory settings.

  1. To reset the BTL device to the factory settings, click Set factory settings.

  2. To reset the technology-specific application of the BTL device to the predefined values, click Reset application.